In the ring or out in our communities across Nevada, Dan Rodimer has proven himself a fighter. Nevada families need someone in Washington who will stand strong with their best interests in mind and support policies that make our great state a better place to raise our families.
Over the past several tenuous months, Nevadans have faced unimaginable hardships, a global pandemic, and an unknown path forward for generations to come. Now more than ever before, it’s imperative that Nevadans have a voice in Washington fighting for policies that make it easier for families to provide and ensures Nevada can prosper for our children and their children. Americans for Prosperity Action sees Dan Rodimer as that voice — the champion will fight for a better Nevada.
- As a small business owner, Dan Rodimer knows that unnecessary red tape and a high tax burden can force small businesses into turning off their lights and permanently extinguishing someone’s American dream. In Washington, Rodimer will make it easier for small businesses to open, rebuild, and recover—stronger than before.
- A family man, Dan Rodimer knows a quality education is the foundation every child needs to succeed. That’s why Dan will champion educational opportunity, so every Nevadan can see their child grow and prosper.
- Rodimer knows that families want to make sure their loved ones stay healthy and can access health care that meets their needs, without breaking the bank. If elected, Dan will champion greater access to quality health care that meets the needs of families. He will also support removing barriers that stand in the way of our health care professionals combating COVID-19 and providing the best care for Nevadans.
For the principles he stands strong for, Americans for Prosperity Action encourages voters of Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District to send Dan Rodimer to Washington so he can fight for a better Nevada for generations to come.