AFP Action Congratulates U.S. Senator Ron Johnson on Election Victory

MADISON, Wis. – Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action) today congratulates Ron Johnson on his re-election to the U.S. Senate. Utilizing the full weight of its grassroots strength, AFP Action made over 1 million voter contacts at the doors and on the phone in Wisconsin. The group sent 12 million pieces of mail in support of Sen. Johnson.

AFP Action-WI Senior Advisor Eric Bott issued the following statement

“Wisconsinites have made it exceedingly clear – they are tired of Washington’s top-down policies that are driving up inflation and hurting Wisconsin families and businesses. Our activists are thrilled to congratulate Sen. Ron Johnson on his re-election to the U.S. Senate. We look forward to supporting Sen. Johnson as he continues to fight sky-high government spending, exorbitant taxes, and job-killing regulations.”


AFP and AFP Action have an unmatched direct voter outreach capability that is supported by a world-class data operation. During this election cycle, AFP-WI and AFP Action supported various candidates statewide with more than 800,000 door knocks.

AFP Action endorsed Sen. Johnson’s re-election on May 5th.


AFP Action is a 527 political action committee focused on electing candidates who will drive policy change and facilitate the building of broad policy coalitions that remove barriers to opportunity and help people improve their lives. The organization has a strong, permanent grassroots presence, including highly motivated activists who volunteer during the election season by making telephone calls and knocking on doors in support of policy champions. During the 2022 election cycle, AFP Action supported candidates nationwide with more than 2 million telephone calls, 5.5 million door knocks, and more than 69 million pieces of mail.