MISSOULA, MT – Today, AFP Action released a new seven-figure spend ad campaign highlighting Jon Tester’s lockstep voting record with Joe Biden and his failure to stand up for Montanans. In contrast, additional AFP Action ads highlight Tim Sheehy as a political outsider who will fight to secure the southern border, battle inflation, and unleash American energy abundance.
Jon Tester has spent 18 years in the Senate – and now votes with President Biden 91% of the time, proving time and again he’ll choose his party bosses over Montanans. Among other failures for the state, Tester was the deciding vote to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline in the Senate, costing the state countless well-paying jobs.
The ads urge voters to move past Senator Tester, saying, “We must do better. Turn the page on Senator Jon Tester.”

Montanans are facing the greatest economic uncertainty since the great recession of 2008. Rising inflation has led to rising living costs, making life more and more unaffordable. Tester has spent nearly 20 years in the Senate and hasn’t delivered for Big Sky Country. In contrast, Sheehy is a decorated veteran and creator of thousands of jobs in the state. Montana deserves a senator as independent as the state – and a political outsider like Tim Sheehy is the best candidate to defeat Jon Tester this November.

AFP Action Senior Advisor Jesse Ramos released the following statement:
“These ads signify AFP Action’s dedication to defeating Senator Tester this November – Tester has been a rubber stamp for his party bosses for too long. It’s time for Montana to turn the page on Tester like he’s turned his back on us time and again. Montana can’t afford six more years of the disastrous Tester-Biden agenda.
“That’s why AFP Action is backing conservative outsider Tim Sheehy for U.S. Senate. Sheehy will fight for Montana just like he fought or our country. His commitment to securing the border, combatting inflation, reining in spending, and tapping America’s limitless energy potential represents a new chapter for Montana and stands in stark contrast to the far-left progressive agenda that Tester has fully embraced.”