BOZEMAN, MT – Americans for Prosperity Action® launched a significant digital ad buy today featuring residents from across Big Sky country who feel Washington D.C. changed Senator Jon Tester, stating that he’s “not working for Montana.”
“Jon Tester is telling Montanans one thing and when he gets to D.C. he’s doing something completely different,” says Brian from Missoula.
“One of the most important things in Montana is following through. And Jon Tester, you have not come close,” says Hal from Bozeman.
“Montanans want lawmakers who are going to follow through on their promises,” said David Herbst, AFP Action Senior Advisor. “Jon Tester said he’d be willing to support tax reform but voted against it. He said he’d improve Obamacare but voted twice to keep it intact. Jon Tester’s not working for Montanans and should be fired on November 6th.”
In addition to digital ads, Americans for Prosperity Action will release hundreds of thousands of mailers across Montana, highlighting Jon Tester’s broken promises to fix Obamacare and his vote against tax reform, which is directly benefiting Montanans.
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