Brown Proves Facts Matter and Defeats Rosen in Debate

LAS VEGAS, NV – Sam Brown convincingly demonstrated the policy differences between himself and Jacky Rosen tonight in a clear debate victory. After the debate, AFP Action is highlighting key takeaways:

  • Senator Rosen has failed to secure the southern border and Nevada. Sam Brown will fight for increased technology, boots on the ground and infrastructure along the southern border.
  • Rosen backed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which did not lower inflation. Instead, the IRA has resulted in U.S. gas prices increasing by nearly 62%, natural gas prices spiking by more than 40 percent, and included a $250-billion-dollar Department of Energy Loan Guarantee Program to fund liberal pet projects. 
  • In the debate, Rosen desperately tried to distance herself from the economic failures of the Biden-Harris administration, but she has voted with the president 93% of the time.

AFP Action Senior Advisor Ronnie Najarro released the following statement:

“Tonight, Nevadans heard from two candidates with very different visions for Nevada’s future.  Jacky Rosen was for all the big government spending that caused the inflation that has harmed Nevada’s economy.  Sam Brown is for common sense: making life more affordable, restoring order to our border, and keeping taxes low.”