Americans for Prosperity Action Kansas Announces Endorsement for Congressional District 2

AFP Action KS Endorses Former State Senator and Attorney General Derek Schmidt to fill Rep. Jake LaTurner’s Seat

Topeka, KS—Americans for Prosperity Action-Kansas (AFPA-KS) is putting the weight of its grassroots base behind former State Senator and Attorney General Derek Schmidt to serve constituents of congressional district two in Washington.

AFPA-KS will launch digital and mail campaigns, as well as grassroots efforts, to educate Kansans on why Schmidt is the best candidate for the job and how he aligns with Kansas values.

AFPA-KS Senior Advisor, Liz Patton, made the following statement:

“Derek’s long record of public service demonstrates his ability to protect the interests of Kansans in Washington, while also being a needed fighter to take on top issues for voters like the economy and border security. His record from 2022 of working alongside Attorneys General in Texas to call for a secure southern border and upholding immigration laws is the leadership we need under Biden’s border crisis.

“Just as he fought the Obama-Biden Administration on excessive government overreach as Attorney General, Derek will hold the Biden Administration accountable to taxpayers, not the political class. His promise to protect the most vulnerable while enhancing freedom and prosperity for Americans makes him the best choice for the job.”


Derek Schmidt is a fifth generation Kansan and served as the 44th Attorney General for the State of Kansas. He also devoted 10 years as a Kansas State Senator, qualifying him for this next role.

As he argued cases before the Supreme Court, Schmidt advocated so that Kansas could enforce state laws when it came to matters of immigration. His expertise is needed to bring transparency, accountability, and due process in light of Biden’s border crisis.
