Group says it will use grassroots network to support policy-focused candidates
Atlanta – Americans for Prosperity Action Georgia (AFP Action-GA) today announced it has endorsed additional candidates for the Georgia State House and Senate: Josh McKay (SD-07), Narender Reddy (HD-50), Arefeen Chowdhury (HD-105), and Johnny Crist (HD-108).
These and other candidates received AFP Action-GA’s endorsement for their commitment to policies that limit government overreach and provide more opportunities for hardworking Georgians to succeed.
“Georgia needs state legislators who will get government out of the way of hardworking Georgians, businesses, and families to create more and better paying jobs, a stronger economy, and higher quality education opportunities,” said Kevin Cooke, AFP Action-GA senior advisor. “We are backing candidates who understand that government, even with the best of intentions, too often creates barriers that stand in the way of people achieving success.
“During the final months of this campaign, our volunteers will be engaging on behalf of these candidates to educate and turn them out on Election Day,” he said.
Josh McKay (SD-07)
Josh McKay believes that improving education in Georgia is a top priority. He believes that education dollars should follow students so that parents can pick education options that best address their children’s individual learning needs. He will also support a variety of programs that expand choice and freedom in education, including education savings accounts, public charter schools, and public-school open enrollment. McKay also supports policies, such as certificate of need reforms, that will increase access to health care at more affordable costs.
Narender Reddy (HD-50)
Narender Reddy understands that reducing income taxes and other excessive taxes will increase economic growth while allow hardworking Georgians to keep more of what they earn. He also understands that regulations and government “red tape” very often stand in the way of hardworking businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to create jobs and grow businesses. He will work in the State House to eliminate unnecessary and burdensome red tape, freeing Georgians to prosper.
Arefeen Chowdhury (HD-105)
Arefeen Chowdhury’s business experience has prepared him to deal with budget and tax issues in a fiscally responsible way that limits government overreach and respects the taxpayers. He supports simplifying the tax code by eliminating special-interest carveouts, and then lowering taxes across the board. Chowdhury has also expressed support for expanding educational opportunities that empower parents, including support for public charter schools, public school open enrollment, and education savings accounts.
Johnny Crist (HD-108)
Johnny Crist’s experiences as a mayor have inform his positive approach to fiscally responsible budgets and low taxes. He has expressed a willingness to put the taxpayers’ interests above the special interests by eliminating special favors for the politically connected and rolling back burdensome regulations. His experience as mayor demonstrates his willingness to expand education opportunities to empower parents and help children find the best education possible.
Updated October 12, 2022
Note: Additional AFP Action endorsements include the following:
Sen. Kay Kirkpatrick (SD-32)
As a medical doctor and a member of the Health and Human Services Committee, Sen. Kay Kirkpatrick has had a strong focus on improving health care outcomes for Georgians. In the State Senate, she carried multiple bills to reform certificate of need and advance telemedicine to increase health care access at lower costs. Sen. Kirkpatrick has a growing record of leadership on issues related to criminal justice reform and policies that provide deserving individuals a second chance for a successful life. She was a co-sponsor of a driver license suspension reform bill as well as a key occupational licensure bill related to past criminal convictions. She is a cosponsor of legislation to provide judicial discretion in the suspension of a driver’s license upon failure to appear for certain traffic violations.
Rep. Josh Bonner (HD-72)
Rep. Bonner has been an advocate of education reforms that expand education opportunities for Georgia parents and children, including legislation to expand charter and magnet schools and education savings accounts. He also understands that free speech is essential to our democracy and has been the lead sponsor on multiple versions of college campus free speech legislation. Rep. Bonner also voted to expand health care access through reforms to state occupational licensing, scope of practice, and certificate of need laws.
AFP Action is a 527 political action committee focused on electing candidates who will drive policy change and facilitate the building of broad policy coalitions that remove barriers to opportunity and help people improve their lives. The organization has a strong, permanent grassroots presence in Georgia of highly motivated activists who volunteer during the election season by making telephone calls and knocking on doors in support of policy champions.
During the 2020 election cycle, AFP Action supported candidates nationwide with more than 8.5 million telephone calls, 1.5 million door knocks, and more than 49 million pieces of mail. AFP Action has unmatched direct voter outreach capabilities supported by a world-class data operation.