Americans for Prosperity Action Announces Endorsement for OH-01    

COLUMBUS, OH – Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action), today, announced its endorsement of Orlando Sonza for the District 01 House of Representatives seat. 

AFP Action Senior Advisor for Ohio, Donovan O’Neil, released the following statement:    

“At a time when inflation is at an all-time high, AFP Action is excited to back Orlando Sonza, who has the leadership necessary to improve the lives of all Ohioans. He is a champion of fiscal stewardship, supporting tax reductions and opposing raising the minimum wage. He understands the arduous consequences of ‘Bidenomics,’ and he is committed to implementing policies that will encourage economic growth.   

“As a former military officer and graduate of West Point, Orlando Sonza knows what it takes to keep our nation safe. A son of immigrants, he can speak to the importance of securing the southern border while also working to fix our broken immigration system.  His pursuit to allow safe and legal immigration, as well as his stance on taxes and energy independence, proves that he is prepared to help pass common sense solutions in Washington, D.C. to expand freedom and opportunity for all Americans.”