Americans For Prosperity Action Endorses Florida Candidates For The U.S. House Of Representatives

TALAHASSE, FL – Americans for Prosperity Action Florida (AFP Action FL) announced today its endorsement of U.S. Reps. Kat Cammack (FL-03), Scott Franklin (FL-15), and Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27).

AFP Action will leverage a wide range of tactics, including the country’s largest grassroots outreach and mobilization, a full-time dedicated staff, and trained volunteers to educate and mobilize voters to support endorsed candidates.

During the 2020 election cycle, AFP Action supported candidates nationwide with more than 8.5 million telephone calls, 1.5 million door knocks, and more than 49 million pieces of mail. AFP Action has unmatched direct voter outreach capabilities supported by a world-class data operation.

“Florida is leading the country in many ways during the difficult challenges our country faces,” said AFP Action Florida Senior Advisor Skylar Zander. “As the challenges continue to grow, we need strong leaders in Congress who will stand up for Florida voters who want more opportunities in the labor force and the education system, and more personal health care options. The candidates that AFP Action Florida is endorsing today will be those leaders, championing policies that help Floridians reach their full potential and succeed.”  

AFP Action is a 527 political action committee focused on electing candidates who will drive policy change and facilitate the building of broad policy coalitions that remove barriers to opportunity and help people improve their lives. The organization has a strong, permanent grassroots presence, including highly motivated activists who volunteer during the election season by making telephone calls and knocking on doors in support of policy champions.


U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack (FL-03)

Rep. Kat Cammack is a strong voice against higher taxes and out-of-control government spending that is fueling inflation. Rep. Cammack voted against the so-called Build Back Better Act that the Congressional Budget Office estimated would have increased deficits by more than $800 billion over five years. While the proposal failed to muster the support necessary to pass through the U.S. Senate, the legislation would have reduced childcare options for families, increased taxes on businesses struggling to recover from the COVID pandemic, and funded a massive expansion of federal power.

Rep. Cammack will protect Americans from government overreach that limits opportunities. Rep. Cammack opposed the PRO Act, legislation that would deny Americans the opportunity to secure independent contractor work arrangements. Independent contractor jobs provide flexibility and employment options to people who, because of family commitments or other responsibilities and demands, are unable to maintain traditional employment arrangements.

Rep. Cammack supports legislation that would provide more Americans with personal options for health care. Rep. Cammack is a cosponsor of the Personalized Care Act, which would expand the ability of Americans to use health savings accounts (HSAs). The legislation would increase yearly HSA contribution limits, expand eligibility to people covered under group or individual health plans, government plans, or health care sharing ministries, allow HSA funds to pay health insurance premiums, and lower the penalty for non-qualified HSA distributions.

U.S. Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-15)

Rep. Scott Frankin is a champion for reducing out-of-control government spending that drives inflation and feeds our national debt.  As a first-term congressman, Rep. Franklin opposed the Build Back Better Act, which would have resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in federal deficits, and the mislabeled infrastructure bill with wasteful spending that had little to do with improving roads and bridges.

As a former naval aviator, Rep. Scott Franklin understands the sacrifices our veteran’s made and the challenges they face as they return to civilian life. To help veterans receive the health care they deserve, Rep. Franklin is a cosponsor of the Veterans’ True Choice Act, which would allow veterans with service-connected disabilities to use local health care providers rather than traveling long distances or facing long wait times for care at a Veterans Affairs facility.

Rep. Scott Franklin understands that federal regulations often have negative consequences for families and businesses and need to be closely scrutinized and repealed when harmful. Saying federal regulations cost nearly $15,000 per household each year, Rep. Franklin introduced the CURB Act, legislation that would require federal agencies to repeal two regulations for every new regulation issued.

U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-40)

Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar values the contributions of our legal immigration system to our nation and its economy. During her first term in Congress, Rep. Salazar supported numerous reform bills that respect the dignity of immigrants and our nation’s long-term interests, including legislation to protect Dreamers from deportation and provide an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status.

Rep. Salazar supports freedom for America’s workers. She stood with workers and opposed the PRO Act that would have undermined worker freedom, eroded worker privacy, and denied millions of Americans the opportunity to enter independent contractor arrangements that provides flexibility in the workforce.

Rep. Salazar is committed to ensuring that America’s veterans have access to the care they deserve. Rep. Salazar supports the Veterans Health Care Freedom Act that would create a pilot program to give veterans the ability to choose the health care providers that best meet their needs–even if it’s outside the VA system.