CHARLESTON, W. Va.—Americans for Prosperity Action congratulated State Treasurer Riley Moore for winning the Republican nomination in Tuesday’s West Virginia Primary for the Second Congressional District.
“Last year, we told Americans that we were going to be getting into more primaries, more often, because candidate quality matters. Riley Moore’s victory tonight ensures that voters in West Virginia’s Second Congressional District will be sending a principled leader to Washington in November. We look forward to continuing our support for Riley Moore through November and in his future endeavors,” said AFP Action Senior Advisor Jason Huffman.
“The 2024 election will be a pivotal point for America’s future. Instead of sending politicians to Washington who will go along to get along, we need bold leaders who are not afraid to stand up to the status quo and have a proven record of fighting, and winning, for West Virginia values. Riley Moore is that kind of leader and we look forward to his election to the U.S. House of Representatives,” said Huffman.