Pennsylvanians Died from Fentanyl While Casey Voted Against Border Security

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – As the Pennsylvania Senate debate turns to immigration policy, Bob Casey refuses to take accountability for his inaction on border security.

AFP Action Senior Advisor Emily Greene issued the following statement:

“Bob Casey Jr. has been in office nearly 20 years and yet he hasn’t done anything to secure our border—even though tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians have succumbed to the fentanyl overdoses and the opioid epidemic.

“Casey was the deciding vote to kill an amendment that would funded construction of a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He also voted against an amendment that would have provided $500 million to fund border security.

“Unlike Casey, Dave McCormick has pledged to take border security seriously. Casey has had his chance. It’s time for new leadership for Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate.”
